Your Orlando Area Commercial Roofing Specialists

Infrared Thermal Imaging

FLIR Imaging

It is estimated that up to 40% of commercial roofs will develop problems within the first year after installation.

The average life span of these roofs is 7-10 years, but they can last as long 20 years, if correctly installed and properly maintained.

An infrared inspection from Rhino Commercial Roofing in Orlando should become a part of your annual maintenance program.

Infrared imaging stands above all other methods in prolonging the life of a commercial roof and should become part of your commercial roof’s annual maintenance program.

Rhino Commercial Roofing also utilizes the Tramex Dec Scannerthat can detect as little as 3% moisture content in most roof systems, and detects moisture up to 3 inches below the roof surface.

Infrared roof inspections work on the principle that different materials in the roof have different thermal masses. In the daytime, the sun heats the roof structure. After the sun sets, the roof begins to cool. If there is a leak in the roofing membrane, the insulation inside the roof will become wet. The wet insulation has a higher thermal mass than the rest of the dry roof structure. Because of the difference, the “wet” areas will maintain heat energy longer than other areas, providing the infrared inspector with a clear picture of the damaged area.

If it’s time for your annual roof maintenance, call the professionals at Rhino Commercial Roofing in Orlando for your thermal imaging scan. We can help you save thousands of dollars in repairs and help determine whether a repair would make more sense than a replacement.

You will receive a detailed report including CAD drawings along with infrared/digital images of the exact locations of the problem areas.

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